I know you look at this handsomely built pirate ship and think to yourself, “Surely, nothing ever goes wrong over there!” Surely, no one has ever forgotten to write something, a scheduled post has never been posted improperly. To that, I’d say, well, actually, you’re mostly right. It’s easy to do what you love.
But everyone has their days.
And this was one of those days! Exhaustion from the uphill battle of innocence cases, blurry vision from spending too much time perfecting our knowledge hub, trying to connect with folks embedded in 30-year-old cases—all cultivating in an early morning, “Hey, anyone write the Weekend Weirdies?”
And that’s ok. We’re here now. It’s not neurosurgery; it’s just words.
What Kennedy Recommends
Flightless Bird Podcast
David Farrier dives deep into the US Navy’s Marine Mammal program. He talks with three former trainers for the program, leaning about how both seals and dolphins are trained to protect American waters from what lurks beneath. David looks at rumors armed dolphins escaped during Hurricane Katrina, and he and Rob Holysz discuss the ethical implications of a dolphin’s horny nature.
Alright, go love on your lover, or cuddle with your domesticated animal, or whatever you need to do to feel some love on this love weekend.
We’ll be here loving ya’ll.
Much love,
Your Bullshit Hunting Crew